
心爱的雪容融(Shuey Rhon Rhon)已然准备好上班了呢,我们一同来看看雪容融的英文引见吧!

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics have come to an end and fans across the world are sad to say farewell to this year’s mascot, a charming little panda by the name of Bing Dwen Dwen. However, with the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympicsjust around the corner, followers of the sporting event are eager to welcome Shuey Rhon Rhon, the adorable red lantern.

北京2022年冬奥会已然落下帷幕,全世界的粉丝都很难过地辞别了今年的不祥物——一只名叫 冰墩墩的心爱大熊猫。但是,随着2022年北京冬季残奥会的到来,奥运会的粉丝们都迫切地迎接心爱的 红灯笼雪容融(Shuey Rhon Rhon)。

Known in Chinese as 雪容融 (pinyin: xue rong rong), the name roughly translates to snow mascot. The meaning behind the name however, is far more significant. In the Chinese language, 雪 (xue) means snow and 容融 (rong rong) has a treble meaning of inclusion, tolerance and integration, perhaps the most important characteristics to define the Paralympics and to spread awareness on embracing and including those with disabilities.

中文称号雪容融(拼音:xue rong rong)大致的意义是雪的不祥物。但是,这个名字背后的含义愈加重要。在中文里,雪(xue)是指白雪,容融(rong rong)有容纳、宽容和交流互鉴三重含义,这或许是定义残奥会并传播接纳和容纳残疾人理念最重要的特性。

In 2018, a worldwide competition was held to determine the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic mascots, with over 5,000 submissions from 35 countries. Ultimately, Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon were chosen to represent the Games and the host country.


An undergraduate student at the Jilin Art Institute of Design, Jiang Yufan, designed the lovable Paralympic mascot and created it with human features. Shuey Rhon Rhon is a chubby, childlike red lantern, with a cute snowy face, sporting a thick golden scarf, beautifully cut trims circling its head and a glowing circle on its chest with the Paralympic logo in the middle.


In China, a red lantern represents light, celebration, warmth and harvest and is traditionally lit upand released into the sky during the Lunar New Year. Shuey Rhon Rhon’s red and golden design emanateswarmth, prosperity and harmony, while the melting snow on the mascot’s face represents the coming of a fruitful year, for the country as well as for the para-athletes.


Shuey Rhon Rhon is symbolic of friendship, courage and the determination of Paralympians, encouraging individuals across the world to become more inclusive of those with impairments and to celebrate their success.



2022年北京冬残奥会的竞赛项目包括:残奥冰球(Para Ice Hockey)、残奥冰壶(Curling)、残奥高山滑雪(Para Alpine Skiing)、残奥越野滑雪(Para Cross-Country Skiing)、残奥冬季两项(Para Biathlon)和残奥单板滑雪(Para Snowboard)。


Key points:

1、残奥会: paralympics

No tainted product had been supplied overseas, or supplied to the Olympics or Paralympics.


2、交融;一体化: integration

If it were to happen, it would catalyse further political integration.


3、圆胖的: chubby

I was just a normal chubby boy yesterday, and now I become someone all over the world looking at.



Many of his most famous quotes emanate from his annual letters to his shareholders; others come from speeches or interviews.








