

A Danish radio documentary series, The Search for Myself, did not hold back in levelling claims against the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that it had financially aided experiments on 311 Danish children in the early 1960s. A good number of them were orphans or adopted.


One such victim was the documentary maker Per Wennick, who claims that he was subjected to tests with no knowledge of their background in the basement of the Municipal Hospital in Copenhagen.

纪录片制造人佩尔·温尼克(Per Wennick)就是这样一位受害者,他宣称本人在哥本哈根市立医院的公开室里承受了对其背景毫不知情的测试。


He was promised something exciting at the Municipal Hospital. For the pleasure of it all, he would also get 16 kroner.




He sat in a chair, had headphones placed upon him, and was subjected to statements, screams and noises designed to frighten.


Electrodes were placed upon his body, his heart rate, body temperature and sweat level were measured.



In 1974, he participated in what he thought was the last trial but received no answer on what sort of research was being conducted.


A decade later, seeking treatment for a skin condition in hospital, he discovered that he was the subject of interest to psychologists each and every time he used the health system. He reflected: I think that this is a violation of my human rights as a citizen of this society.


2018年,年近70岁的温尼克决议找出这个实验的真相。原来,这些实验是美国的“MK Ultra”(大脑控制实验)方案

These were supposedly designed to investigate links between heredity and environmental factors in engendering schizophrenia, work inspired by the psychologist Sarnoff A. Mednick.


Of particular interest in the experiment in question were the children of schizophrenic mothers. Of the 311 children in question, 207 had such mothers, while the rest, who constituted the control group, did not. Wennick was of the latter group.


事实上,温尼克讲述的“噪声刺激实验”,只是“MK Ultra”方案的冰山一角。

据丹麦方面披露的实验记载显现,还有儿童被强迫答复 带有暴力、血腥倾向的“心理问卷”。该问卷最初是被用来排查美军内部能否有纳粹主义倾向的兵士。

更令人愤恨的是,这样泯灭人性的实验,居然还得到了很多 美国医疗机构和基金会的赞助,仅第一年就取得了大约30万至40万克朗的资金支持。

An important source of funding for the Municipal Hospital project, supplied under the auspices of U.S. health care, was the Human Ecology Fund, a CIA front overseen by Cornell University Medical School neurologist Harold Wolff.


The Fund, which supplied the Danish program some $21,000, proved a vital source for underwriting research projects to better inform the agency about the use of torture and interrogation techniques.




The program Wennick participated in was almost certainly a violation of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, which stipulates that: The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.


Consent can only be ethically obtained where the person has the legal capacity to do so, has exercise of free power of choice, and has sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable them to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

只要在当事人具有法律行为才能,可以行使自在选择权,并且 "充沛理解和了解所触及的主题事项的要素,从而可以做出了解和明智的决议 "的状况下,才干从伦理上取得同意。

不晓得大家能否还记得之前写的德特里克堡,缺课的同窗请戳: 热搜爆了!外交部点名,美国病毒基地演出生化危机真人版?新冠源头竟是它?


For decades, unethical and illegal experiments have been conducted by US authorities upon unsuspecting citizens.


In 1932, the Tuskegee Institute, working with the U.S. Public Health Service, commenced work on the natural history of syphilis that would do much to foster perennial suspicion of public health authorities and their ignoble intentions.


The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male began with 600 Black men, 399 with syphilis, 201 without.


Informed consent was not sought, the men being told that they were being treated for “bad blood”. Incentives were offered to the participants: free meals, burial insurance, gratis medical exams.

没有征求知情同意,这些人只是被告知他们是由于“血液不良”而承受治疗,他们还能得到免费用餐、 丧葬保险、免费体检等奖励。

Wishing to be a true international citizen in such matters, the U.S. imperium proceeded to expand such experiments beyond its shores.


In 1946, the U.S. Government was involved in medical trials affecting at least 5,128 unconsenting and uninformed Guatemalans, including children, orphans, child and adult prostitutes, leprosy patients, prisoners, soldiers, mental patients and Guatemalan Indians.


A subsequent report on the experiments by the Guatemalan Government, To Agree to the Harm: Medical Experiments by the United States in Guatemala found that such acts constituted “a crime against humanity”.


MK Ultra方案的相关人员终身没有遭到任何惩罚。当这项丑闻被揭露,中情局立刻下令销毁相关文件,在这项方案中终究有几受害者,已然无从确认。

罪恶无处遁形,理想永远比电影更黑暗。罪证能够销毁,但带来的伤害永远无法挽回。 温尼克们还在呼救,他们在等一个抱歉!


